Wednesday, April 29, 2009

One Word

I found from someone's blog. Neat idea. I have a cyclical obsession with words that on some days finds me exploring one word, scaping its underbelly for any escaped meanings, and testing its shape against all my sentences. I'm not usually conscious of the provocation that causes me to try find places to mark my day with just this one word but:

yesterday's word tumbled from a litany of "I want you". Litany is one of my favourite words, so I discarded's "glossy" to write about it instead.


  1. I love one word too...been doing it for months! do you read other responses though or is it about your own?

  2. I discovered it only 3 words ago. I read the other responses. Some of them very lovely.

    There was a very beautiful "when" the other day. something along the lines of: when I leave I will cling to here.. maybe when I stop clinging I'll be happy.

  3. my first oneword was Tea!

    'when did we start boiling people like tea?'

    very llame, i know.. but i had only just wokem up..
