Hello and thanks for visiting my blog. BlogSecret was a huge success. More than I imagined. But, it was also a huge undertaking and I'm not sure when I'll be ready to do another. In the meantime, you should visit Brandy's blog. She does something similar on a more regular basis. You can read this week's secrets here: http://brainyjane22.wordpress.com/2009/03/23/i-like-my-dogs-more-than-every-single-person-ive-ever-met/.
I love the internet because it allows me to observe people unobtrusively.
I read a lot, enjoy art, write now and again, draw sometimes, paint even less, and dream about sculpting a lot. I've beene dubbed "the queen of obscure references" on account of my penchant for randomness - I like random shit, make random statements, give my blogs random titles, am a mess of random thoughts, and I do random shit at the drop of a hat.
If you get me I'm a constant thrill, if you don't, stop reading or you will be confounded.
Hello and thanks for visiting my blog. BlogSecret was a huge success. More than I imagined. But, it was also a huge undertaking and I'm not sure when I'll be ready to do another. In the meantime, you should visit Brandy's blog. She does something similar on a more regular basis. You can read this week's secrets here: http://brainyjane22.wordpress.com/2009/03/23/i-like-my-dogs-more-than-every-single-person-ive-ever-met/.