Sunday, March 29, 2009

reality tv me

I've said to my sister the clutterbunny/I'll wear whatever I want-er "I should Clean House you" and "I'm gonna What Not To Wear you", but ever since I jokingly said to x about her difficult 7 year old "you need Super Nanny or something" I've been wondering if it's really possible to solve all your problems through reality tv.

I'm possibly being extreme in casting that statement since my knowledge of tv's voyeuristic offerings is limited, but it's certainly a sign that with only that limited knowledge, and basic cable I still see so many shows that are about fixing people, AND to boot not being a great follower still find myself speaking in reality - c'mon "I'm going to "clean house" you??

This is the part of this post where I should start thinking of random problems and matching them with a show, but seriously it's 10am, I'm still in bed, and that's just asking too much. So just take my word for it, or if that's a problem... reality tv me.
On a seperate note, I just joined "twenty something bloggers" this week. I'm soooo interested in a network that helps twenty somethings discover and be discovered, but mostly I'm hitting the 20 something homestretch, and so help me I refuse to relinquish my 20s quietly. Therefore as of 28, I will be taking any excuse to show off my 20something-ness. Ok, ok. here's what really happened: the 20sb handle screamed "naa nah nah nah boo boo... you'd better join now or you'll never be able to!" Mocking laughter and all. I'm telling you.. it really happened. Why don't you care about approaching thirty, mosey on over to the site, read their intro and see what happens to you? Hey, when you get signed up.. look me up as a friend will ya?

1 comment:

  1. twenty something bloggers eh? sounds like fun..

    shall join you there soon..


    you know now that you say it, i understand why for a reality tv hater i watch so much of it..

    i guess thats all they show these days.. from experiments in wife swapping to a day in the life of tattoo artist to the more mundane < > idol shows.

    which reminds me.. i missed american idol this weekend! dammit!
